Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Jackie celebrates successful Chafford Free School application

The Department for Education has today confirmed that it has approved the application for a new primary Free school to serve Chafford Hundred.

The application was submitted following the shortage of school places in Chafford last year.  After parents campaigned for more school places, Jackie Doyle-Price proposed a new free school and invited people to support the campaign.  Parents joined with Jackie Doyle-Price and with Harris Federation to make the application.  The application was submitted at Christmas and has now been approved.

Jackie said,  "I am thrilled that the free school application has been successful.  I would like to congratulate the parents for their enthusiasm in supporting the bid and Harris for giving their support, expertise and energy to making it happen.  I am very proud that we have been able to put in a successful bid in such a short space of time. 

It has been obvious for some years that Chafford Hundred needed more school places.  To be frank the Council really fell down on the job by not bringing forward proposals for a new school earlier.   The introduction of free schools means that communities do not have to wait for local authorities to get their act together.  You can make things happen in spite of them.  I am pleased to have facilitated bringing the parents together to meet with Harris.  Make no mistake.  Where the council fails, I will step up to the plate and show some leadership.

It is now with Harris and the Department to make the necessary arrangements for construction, but it is intended that the school will open by September 2014.  I would like to thank everyone in the community who got behind this application.  I am very proud that it has been successful and that we will in future have sufficient school places in Chafford for all the children who need them.


Notes to editor

Jackie Doyle-Price launched the campaign for a Free school on 25th April 2012.  She brought parents together at Westminster and in Thurrock to generate support for the Free School.  She also held a Parliamentary debate on the issue of the lack of school places in Chafford on 6th September 2012


Picture:  Jackie Doyle-Price with parents and children of Chafford taking Petition to the Prime Minster


Jackie can be contacted by 01268 200430 – 0207 219 7171 or



Mark Coxshall


Office of Jackie Doyle Price and Stephen Metcalfe

Members of Parliament for Thurrock and South Basildon & East Thurrock


Office:                  01268 200430

Westminster:    0207 219 7171

Mobile:                07850 005630


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