Tuesday, 19 February 2013

FW: Felipe Road noise nuisance

Dear Residents

Many of you contacted Charlie and I about noise nuisance issues. The issues were raised again yesterday when people were using the field next to your properties resulting in noise nuisance, obstructive parking, etc. I am informed that some residents took pictures of the fray yesterday, if you are happy to send them to me that will be good. Also if you know the name of the organisation it will be helpful.

From the email exchange below, you will note that the Head of Public Protection, the Head of Highways and the Lands Team are all involved in getting to the bottom of the issue. They will also contact the Police to obtain their views of the situation.

Be assured that we are on the case and the issue is being investigated by the Council. We will keep you posted.


Cllr Tunde Ojetola
Shadow Cabinet Member for Central Services
South Chafford Ward
Thurrock Council
07795644355 (evenings)
Twitter: @cllrtunde
From: Dennett, Gavin
Sent: 19 February 2013 10:59
To: Cllr T Ojetola; Cllr C Key
Subject: RE: Felipe Road noise nuisance

Cllr Ojetola, Cllr Key

I have spoken to the teams for Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and Noise nuisance.

The noise nuisance team will be checking on this location over the weekend and will report back next week on issues they discover.

The CP Team will be distributing ASB diaries to affected residents in Felipe Road today and will requesting that these are completed to provide further evidence to focus investigations.

I don't think these occurrences are associated with licensable event's, but if any licence or temporary event notice applications come in for this location they will be flagged to the EP team who are dealing with the noise allegations and the residents concerns would be investigated and addressed via the application process.

Andy Millard has requested the Parking Enforcement Team look at the element of your initial email that related to nuisance parking and we will get back to you on this.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cllr T Ojetola
Sent: 19 February 2013 09:50
To: Lands; Dennett, Gavin; Millard, Andrew (Head of Planning and Transportation); Cllr C Key
Cc: Clark, Jeremy; Starr, Steve; Legal.Services@thurrock.gov.uk; Lawson, David
Subject: RE: Felipe Road noise nuisance


Thanks for this. I will wait to hear from Legal.


Cllr Tunde Ojetola
Shadow Cabinet Member for Central Services
South Chafford Ward
Thurrock Council
07795644355 (evenings)
Twitter: @cllrtunde
From: Lands
Sent: 19 February 2013 09:42
To: Cllr T Ojetola; Lands; Dennett, Gavin; Millard, Andrew (Head of Planning and Transportation); Cllr C Key
Cc: Clark, Jeremy; Starr, Steve; Legal.Services@thurrock.gov.uk
Subject: RE: Felipe Road noise nuisance

Dear Councillor

Amenity space is for the use of the public, however I believe events etc would usually require an Events Licence/consent from the Council to use the land for that purpose.

The Parks and Leisure Department or Legal will be best places to advise as Lands do not manage amenity spaces and do not issue events licences. I have copied in legal services and Steve Starr who should be able to advise you.


Lands Assistant
Europa Services
P Please consider the environment before you print

-----Original Message-----
From: Cllr T Ojetola
Sent: 19 February 2013 09:34
To: Lands; Dennett, Gavin; Millard, Andrew (Head of Planning and Transportation); Cllr C Key
Cc: Clark, Jeremy
Subject: RE: Felipe Road noise nuisance


The location is correct. By amenity space does that mean anyone can use it without permission? Including various organisations who seem to use it for training/practice?


Cllr Tunde Ojetola
Shadow Cabinet Member for Central Services
South Chafford Ward
Thurrock Council
07795644355 (evenings)
Twitter: @cllrtunde
From: Lands
Sent: 19 February 2013 09:31
To: Cllr T Ojetola; Dennett, Gavin; Millard, Andrew (Head of Planning and Transportation); Cllr C Key; Lands
Cc: Clark, Jeremy
Subject: RE: Felipe Road noise nuisance

Dear all

Is the field referred to the open amenity space on the corner of Filipe Road and Rainbow Road? This land is amenity land and therefore not leased. It is held by the Parks and Leisure department.

If this is not the correct site can you please provide the address in Filipe Road that is adjacent to it so that I can locate the correct site.


Michelle Duke
Lands Assistant
Europa Services
Please consider the environment before you print

-----Original Message-----
From: Cllr T Ojetola
Sent: 18 February 2013 23:53
To: Dennett, Gavin
Cc: Millard, Andrew (Head of Planning and Transportation); Cllr C Key
Subject: Felipe Road noise nuisance
Importance: High


Yet again, I have been contacted by quite a few residents about the issue of noise (and parking) nuisance emanating from the use of the field on Felipe Road.

Please tell me if the field has been rented out to one or many people, what are the conditions of use, what consultation took place and how long is the contract for.

This is rapidly becoming a major issue as I understand the police had to intervene today as the roads were blocked and it obstructed residents access to their properties.

I hope to hear from you urgently.


Cllr Tunde Ojetola
Shadow Cabinet Member for Central Services
South Chafford Ward
Thurrock Council
07795644355 (evenings)
Twitter: @cllrtunde

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Anonymous said...

its only a few people running round a field,how is that a nuisance?,why are chafford people such snobs?.

Anonymous said...

if i lived around that field i would be more concerned with the large toxic waste dump that lies underneath it,chafford never left it empty through the goodness of their hearts.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to the keep fitters, they are bringing a bit of life to the dark and increasingly crime-ridden streets of Chafford Hundred.