Monday, 25 October 2010

Snow Experience Required for evidence

Dear Resident,
I am writing to you today asking for evidence about your snow experience last winter.
Yet again officers have not prioritised Chafford in the list for emergency winter maintenance, so if there is another snow blizzard this year, Chafford will be left out of urgent maintenance.
It is important that you let me know of your experience asap, so that I will have the evidence to give the Transport and Highways department which will ensure they change the policy and treat Chafford fairly.
Cllr Tunde Ojetola
South Chafford Ward
Thurrock Council
07795-644-355 (evenings)

From: Cllr T Ojetola
Sent: Mon 10/25/2010 09:37
Subject: RE: Emergency Winter Maintenance

Thanks for this information.
I don't doubt your data source, however I am seriously concerned that Chafford Roads are not prioritised on the proposed emergency winter maintenance.
After the last bout of snow, it has become clear that much more needed to be done to ensure whole communities such as Chafford Hundred can move during snow blitz. 
You will realise that my ward - South Chafford has only 2 main points of entry and exit, such that once these are blitzed over, then over 4000 residents will be stuck. In the other area of Chafford, Drake Road is the main link for about 6000 residents who will also be stuck if the roads are not given the appropriate priority in such bad weather.
It is therefore not tenable to say that these roads will not be prioritised in case of a future incident.
I think this policy needs to be urgently reviewed as I gather further evidence from residents about what happened last winter. 
I propose we meet to discuss this early next week.
Cllr Tunde Ojetola
South Chafford Ward
Thurrock Council
07795-644-355 (evenings)

Cllr Ojetola,

In response to your request (14 Oct) for further information regarding Emergency Winter Maintenance, please find below the response provided by Maintenance Engineers:

The bid for the Emergency Winter Maintenance Funding was formulated for the damage to roads during the 2008/09 winter period.

The data used for identification of locations was obtained from the annual machine surveys of all roads in the Borough using 2 consecutive years of figures (pre & post winter surveys) to determine the roads that had suffered during this period. The figures from the surveys identify a length of carriageway and give a score for each 10 m section. The scores of over 70 indicate a need for action. The roads with figures of over 70 were used to compile the list.

The criteria for the bid stated that strategic and classified network would carry more importance and be more successful in obtaining funding.

I hope that this information is sufficient.

Many thanks

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