Thursday, 10 June 2010

Chafford Primary School is 'Satisfactory'

Chafford Primary School was awarded a 'Satisfactory' mark by Ofsted in the recent Inspection carried out in May 2010. Satisfactory is the score allocated where Ofsted is of the view that the School is of reasonable quality, and providing adequately for its pupils. In some cases, the School actually scored 'Good' - which indicate very positive features of a school and a school that is good is serving its pupils well.

The inspectors spoke to Staff, Pupils, Parents and Governing Body. They observed the school's work and lessons; they looked at pupils' books and displays, and at documentation, including the school development plan, the self-evaluation form, assessments, records of pupils' progress, teachers' planning, safeguarding and welfare arrangements. Inspectors scrutinised 162 parents' and carers' questionnaires.11 teachers were observed in 18 sessions.

It acknowledged that that the school has been awarded:
  • the Financial Management Standard in School,
  • International School Award (Intermediate Level),
  • Healthy Schools Award, &
  • Activemark and Basic Skills Mark.
It also noted the increase in size of the School and the consequential change in staffing and buildings. For the full report, please click on the topic above (which links to the Ofsted website).

Congratulations to all those involved.

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