Friday, 23 August 2013

How much would Labour cost you?

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We all know Labour’s plans: more spending, more borrowing and more debt. But what would that mean for you? How much would Labour’s plans cost you and your family?

Visit this website to find out:

Labour’s plans would hit hardworking people hard. Mortgage bills would soar. Council tax, petrol prices and energy bills would rocket, while pensioners would see the Basic State Pension cut.

We are securing an economic recovery for everyone who wants to work hard: cutting income tax for 25 million people, helping councils freeze council tax, and cutting the deficit to keep mortgage rates low.

Labour would undo all of this, with the same old Labour policies that got us into this mess.
Find out exactly how much Labour would cost you – and then share that figure with your friends and family.
We need to let everyone know the true cost of Labour.
Sajid Javid Signature
Sajid Javid MP
Economic Secretary, HM Treasury
Grey divider

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Promoted by Alan Mabbutt on behalf of the Conservative Party, both at 30 Millbank,London, SW1P 4DP


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