Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Spending Review is 'good news for Thurrock'

Thurrock Conservatives have welcomed Government announcements on spending that will benefit Thurrock.

Last week, the Chancellor announced his "Spending Review" plans for central Government spending, and separately £100bn of spending on big projects was detailed. In amongst the detail of the announcements are several pieces of good news for businesses and residents in Thurrock.

Conservatives Leader Cllr Phil Anderson said "When the people of Thurrock voted for a Conservative Government in 2010 they did so for one main reason – they trusted us to get Britain's chaotic public finances back under control. This week the chancellor showed that we still take the trust seriously. Unlike Labour we are committed to balancing the budget and living within our means as a nation. There are some tough messages for Government departments, but also some great examples of doing the best for hardworking people with limited resources."

One decision which will be welcomed by hard-pressed council tax payers is the news that Government will continue to offer the council money to freeze council tax bills – money Thurrock Labour refused this year, instead forcing through a million pound tax hike.

Conservatives Finance spokesman Cllr Barry Johnson said "We called on Labour to freeze council tax this year, but they refused. At a time when everyone's finances are feeling squeezed, it just isn't fair to ask local residents to dig deeper into their pockets to cover the council's out of control spending. I am delighted the Government will help the council to freeze council tax in the coming years and I very much hope this will benefit people in Thurrock."

Also amongst the announcements was news Government will be stopping automatic pay rises for civil servants, moving instead to performance-related pay rises – something Thurrock Conservatives have long called for in the council.

Conservative spokesman for Central Services Cllr Tunde Ojetola commented "I have been calling for performance related pay for a year. It is simply not right that many council staff get pay rises based on the fact they've turned up and been adequate. Pay rises should be earned, like in the private sector, and the council staff who work hardest should reap the rewards of their efforts. Thurrock Labour have always objected, claiming it would be difficult to implement, but if the Government can do it I'm sure we can too – I challenge Labour to set up a working group to look at this issue in the coming months."

Thurrock will also benefit from several other decisions.

Conservative Health spokesman Cllr Shane Hebb said "I am pleased to see council's like Thurrock get a bigger say in how adult social care money is spent. This is one of the biggest areas of council spending, and growing all the time, so the aim of having a more integrated approach with the Health Service is one I wholeheartedly support. The council now needs to speak up and confirm if it supports these changes, or is against them."

Conservative Deputy Leader and Housing Spokesman Cllr Rob Gledhill said "I welcome the announcement of several billion pounds to help build more affordable homes. The last Labour government seemed happy to see housing waiting lists double but not to help social landlords to build more housing! I hope to see Thurrock be successful in securing a portion of this money."

Conservative Transport spokesman Cllr Garry Hague said "We all know about issues with the road infrastructure in Thurrock, so I am delighted to see the largest road investment programme in 50 years announced, including money for maintenance. This money will help deliver vital projects such as the A13-M25 interchange improvements, as well as filling potholes."

Conservative Public Protection spokesman Cllr Simon Wootton said "I particularly welcome news that the police counter-terrorism budget is protected, which will help keep the streets of Thurrock safe. Additionally, I am pleased at the announcements on welfare reform. There will be an extra focus on helping people into work, rather than just dolling out benefits; and the news that claimants will be required to learn English is also encouraging – we all know you need to speak English to get a job."

Conservative Education spokesman Cllr James Halden said "The overall budget will be increasing and schools spending will be protected. The assurances in this budget gives me the confidence to say that off the back of securing 2 free schools this year in Thurrock, I will be fighting for a third free school for alternative educational provision for Thurrock's children. Conservatives have delivered 2 ground breaking schools that Thurrock needs, and we will now fight for a third."


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