Thursday, 13 June 2013

A message from your Member of Parliament Jackie Doyle-Price

Dear Resident

I hope you find this latest edition of my Parliamentary Round up informative.  A lot has been going on here at Westminster and thought I should bring you up to date on some of the campaigns I am running in Parliament that matter to you and I here in Thurrock.

Free school for Chafford

Michael Gove confirmed last week that our application for a new Free school in Chafford has been approved.  I am delighted and would like to thank everyone who supported the campaign.

I would also like to congratulate the hard work done by the parents and the Harris Federation in putting the application together.  In the space of just one year we have gone from a situation where there were insufficient school places to a position where we have the green light to set up a new school.  It just illustrates what can be achieved when the community comes together and I am proud of starting the campaign and bringing everyone together to make it happen.

 Proposals for a new Lower Thames Crossing

The Government last week published its plans for a new Lower Thames crossing.  As predicted all three options under consideration will run through Thurrock.  I am anxious to make sure that our voice is heard and I would invite you to let me know your views so that I can put them to Government in response to the consultation.

As you may be aware, I have been campaigning to make sure that any new crossing will not lead to more of Thurrock being dig up to build new motorway.  I am also determined that any new crossing should not cause further congestion on Thurrock's already congested road network and that it must  alleviate the congestion we currently experience as a consequence of the Dartford crossing.  I have been encouraging Government to explore options for new crossings in London and to consider future road transport needs more widely.  Put simply, there is no point in building crossings which are just going to add further pressure to the A13 and the M25.  Government needs to be exploring whether there is a need for a new outer ring road.

The options are:

Option A – at the site of the existing Dartford Thurrock Crossing

Option B – Connecting the A2 with the A1089

Option C – Connecting the M2 with the A13 and the M25 between Junctions 29 and 30

Please let me know your views.  So far my post bag suggests that opinion is evenly split on whether there is any need for a new crossing, but I am keen to hear from as many people as possible, both on the need for a crossing at all and on the individual proposals.

 Basildon Hospital

Following the publication of the report into the mid Staffordshire hospital, the NHS medical director, Sir Bruce Keogh is reviewing the performance of Basildon hospital due to its unusually high mortality rates.  I have made my representations to Sir Bruce documenting failings in leadership, estates management, record keeping and care which have contributed to failings at Basildon. 

There have been significant senior management changes at Basildon over the last year and I am hopeful that the new team will take their obligations to patients more seriously and take action where deficiencies are identified.  However the Keogh review is an opportunity to highlight exactly what has gone wrong in recent years and will therefore help the management drive the change to improve performance and make sure all patients get the treatment they deserve.  If you have any views you would like to express, do get in touch.

Free tolls for Thurrock residents

As you may be aware, the Government will be introducing free flow tolls on the Dartford crossing and removing the toll booths next year.  I have used this opportunity to renew calls for free tolls for Thurrock residents.  At a time when we are bearing the brunt of the congestion caused by what is a national piece of road infrastructure, I think it is only fair we be allowed to use the crossing for free.  I am asking the Government to allow amend the residents discount scheme to give unlimited free crossings following annual registration.  I have also called for the residents discount scheme to be extended to small vans as well as cars.  

More apprentices

Expanding the number of apprenticeships is central to our strategy for equipping people with good skills as well as tackling the long standing problem we have with our unemployment.  It is working, this month youth unemployment fell to below 1million, still too high, but moving in the right direction.  The expansion of apprenticeships has gone a long way to achieving that, but we still need to encourage more businesses to join in.  To show your support, please sign up to my campaign at

 I am of course always happy to hear from you on any issues you wish to raise.

 Best Wishes,

Jackie Doyle-Price

 Member of Parliament for Thurrock



Constituency Office:                       01375 802029

Westminster:                                    0207 219 7171

Address:                                              House of Commons



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