Thursday, 24 May 2012

Howard Road Development

Dear Residents

I planned to update you all when I learnt that the developer had gone bankrupt, but I didn't get round to it as no one officially confirmed it.

In fact I only found out after seeing the abandoned site and contacting Council officers for the community money they were meant to pay for the development.

I understand that a buyer is being sort, and when they takeover they have to adhere to agreed commitments (ie. a building for GP surgery, youth development and education contributions). Although, in this economic climate no one can predict when that will be, but I will keep you posted.

On the site itself, I agree that the place is a eyesore and is a potential risk of anti social behaviour. I will chase officers to see if they have the power to make the site secure.

(Thanks Mark for the reminder).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard Sainsbury's were going to buy it which I was really pleased about. The trains, the roads,'s too packed as it is. More houses will only make the area worse, is it untrue about Sainabury's?