Monday, 20 September 2010

Action: Opposition to mobile phone mast (Ref:10/00651/TEL)

Dear Residents
Thank you for your letters and emails to the Council opposing O2's 4th attempt to install a mobile phone mast in a residential area. This time behind it is right residents' properties off Felipe and Frances Avenue and in close proximity to Warren Primary School.  (You still have till tomorrow to voice your opinion to the Council against the application - email:
Please be aware that the Planning Committee will decide on this application on Thursday 23 Sept (this week) at an open meeting in the Council starting at 7pm.
At the meeting a resident will be able to speak against the application, while O2 will try to persuade the committee to approve it. I will also speak against the application.
You are welcome to attend and show support for the campaign. I look forward to seeing you there.
Cllr Tunde Ojetola
South Chafford Ward
Thurrock Council
07795-644-355 (evenings)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there

Just wanted to show my appreciation for your time and hard work