Saturday, 14 August 2010

Raod Improvements

Dear Residents,

Many of you raised issues about roads and parking. Although I have raised this officers, I am yet to receive any response, I have therefore sent this chaser to the Highways Department:

You will recall various email discussions around this issue.

Can you please advice where we are with each of the following:

a. Gabriel Close - proposed gate
b. Southwell Close - double yellow lines
c. Rainbow Road/Grifon Road - Mini roundabout expansion
d. Review of traffic calming measures opposite Warren Primary School.

Your prompt response will be appreciated so that I can keep residents updated.

You will recall that I invited you to a meeting, but you couldn't make this due to other commitments, Chafford Hundred have a resident's Community forum meeting bi-monthly and the next one is in September. Can you or David please advice who can attend this

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