Sunday, 25 April 2010

Racing on A126 - Action at last

Dear Resident

You will be pleased to know that finally some action is being taken to curtail the racing on this road.

Funding has been found for speed bumps in Oliver Road.

Unfortunately, speed bumps cannot be put onto the A126 as it is a main road but as it is not used frequently at night it is a possibility that the Highways Agency may be able to close it off at certain periods to prevent the racers from going there. This will require further investigation and I will keep you posted.

Speed cameras on the A126 is also not an option becasue of government figures. There have to be a certain number of deaths/accidents/collisions before an installation is approved.

In the meantime the police have assured me that they will do their best on Saturday nights to move the racers on.

Please still contact me ( if you witness or are disturbed by the racing to build the evidence and to keep the pressure on for further action to be implemented.

Re-elect Tunde Ojetola - working hard for Chafford Residents - 6th May 2010 local elections

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