Monday, 15 March 2010

Parking Issues in Santiago Way and Hatfield Road

On visiting these streets recently, residents spoke to me about parking issues and the suggestion that a resident may be running a car recovery business in the community.

I raised this with the enforcement office in the Council.

Officers visited the area 5th March 2010 and subsequently on 9th March and noted that one of the untaxed cars had been removed.

In light of the visit the Council will take the following action to try and remedy the situation.

· Write to Flat 6 Santiago Way and to the management company regarding the use of their car park for this breakdown and recovery service.

· Write to the owner of No.9 to advise them of the activity on the land and continue to monitor the case.

· Serve a Planning Contravention Notice on No.1 Hatfield Road and Flat 6 Santiago Way to try to establish some more facts of this case.

In order to compel the use to stop, although this process may take a while to be resolved. If you witness any of the activities, please let me know ASAP.


Tel: 07971215640

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