Wednesday 23 September 2015

Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)

Since 1988, it has been a requirement that every local authority (LA) has a Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) and legislative requirement that each SACRE produces an annual report of its work and that this is published, sent the local authority, to local schools and to other interested parties. 

The remit of a local SACRE - is overseeing religious education (RE) and collective worship. Thurrock SACRE has over the years developed its own particular style and character as this report will testify.

This is important as the diverse face of thurrock means that only 63% profess to be Christians, with others being of different faiths. Leaning about other religions and culture will ensure that if/when the refugees arrive, we won't house them near settlements of other foreign nations they are at war with.  

Along with Cllr Gupta and Cllr Kerin, I represent the council on SACRE and I'm sure they'll join me to commend the work of the John Guest (the chair), the tremendous efforts of Debbie Weston the religious education adviser, all the teachers, and representatives of the faith community in making sure that our children learn about, and understand about other religions. In university I had the opportunity to learn about Christianity, Judaism, Sikh, Taoism, Islam, Buddhism etc. and it helped appreciate the similarities and differences in the religions. I think our children should also benefit from this.  

Many councillors sit on governing bodies of schools in local schools and I implore you to make sure that your schools encourage the take up of religious education. The more we learn a both the diverse cultures and religions in Thurrock the easier it will be to live together and utilise our strengths.

 I will ask democratic services to forward the annual report to all members. 

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